

The New Standard in Epilepsy Monitoring

Experience newfound freedom and peace of mind. Built on the legacy of Embrace2, EpiMonitor is everything you need in an all-in-one solution for seizure alerting and epilepsy monitoring. Enhanced with new features, and a powerful and stylish medical smartwatch, it is a complete companion for people living with epilepsy.

Discover EpiMonitor

For those living internationally outside of the US & UK, Embrace2 is still available for purchase! Get yours here

The Mate App works with Alert to visualize Embrace data, enabling you to view your day at a glance. Quickly get a holistic view of your daily routine including how much you’re moving and resting, any seizures that may have occurred, and your medication usage pattern.

*Mate works together with Alert. Install both Apps on your phone.

The seizure diary you can rely on

Track your seizures and gain insights from your daily rest, physical activity, and medication adherence, all automated by your Embrace

Maintain an accurate seizure diary

All confirmed seizures from Alert are automatically reflected in Mate, and you can add others you may experience. Add notes to each seizure, like how you were feeling and what you were doing beforehand.

Movement Insight
Seizure Insight wave

Improved Seizure Counts

Self-reported seizures tend to be incomplete and inaccurate.

Research has shown that, when recording seizures themselves, patients failed to document 55.5% of all recorded seizures1FDA-cleared devices like Embrace have very high sensitivity, ensuring they automatically detect and log possible generalized tonic-clonic seizures, including nocturnal activity, with accuracy2, 3

Improved Seizure Counts

Self-reported seizures tend to be incomplete and inaccurate.

Research has shown that, when recording seizures themselves, patients failed to document 55.5% of all recorded seizures1FDA-cleared devices like Embrace have very high sensitivity, ensuring they automatically detect and log possible generalized tonic-clonic seizures, including nocturnal activity, with accuracy2, 3


Never miss another dose

No need to go back and forth through apps to view all relevant information for managing your seizures. Set detailed medication reminders and view your medication adherence, alongside your daily rest and physical activity, all in one glance.

Movement Insight

Why is taking medications on time so important?

It is important to take epilepsy medications on time, as prescribed by the doctor to prevent having increased seizures, or a breakthrough seizure.

Research has shown that up to 70% of epilepsy patients will be able to control their seizures with medications9, and missing one dose of Anti Epileptic Drugs (AEDs) can lead to a breakthrough seizure10

Why is taking medications on time so important?

It is important to take epilepsy medications on time, as prescribed by the doctor to prevent having increased seizures, or a breakthrough seizure.

Research has shown that up to 70% of epilepsy patients will be able to control their seizures with medications9, and missing one dose of Anti Epileptic Drugs (AEDs) can lead to a breakthrough seizure10

Keep track of how much you move

Automatic activity recognition distinguishes between running, walking, and sport. You can also see the intensity of your physical activity and stats such as duration, distance, steps, and total active time.

Movement Insight
Movement Insight wave

Why is tracking physical activity important for epilepsy?

Mate enables you to see overall seizure frequency alongside your physical activity.

Being active has its own health benefits, improving a person’s overall fitness and helps relieve stress. Literature shows that for some people, overall well-being can help reduce seizure frequency6While physical activity can help a person feel good, a lack of it on the other hand, can be linked to increased depression and anxiety7, 8

Why is tracking physical activity important for epilepsy?

Mate enables you to see overall seizure frequency alongside your physical activity.

Being active has its own health benefits, improving a person’s overall fitness and helps relieve stress. Literature shows that for some people, overall well-being can help reduce seizure frequency6While physical activity can help a person feel good, a lack of it on the other hand, can be linked to increased depression and anxiety7, 8

Discover insights about your rest

Get detailed stats such as duration, interruptions, turns, and tosses. Advanced analysis lets you see how efficient your night's rest was, and compare it with your weekly average to identify patterns.

Movement Insight

Why is rest analysis important?

The Mate App provides an in-depth analysis of your rest including duration, efficiency, and fragmentation.

A good night’s sleep plays a crucial role in a person’s overall health, even more so with epilepsy. Literature shows that the quantity and quality of rest may have an impact on seizures in various ways4When a person sleeps, the brain’s electrical and hormonal activity changes, meaning seizures can be more likely to happen while falling asleep or when one is about to wake up5, 6Though 7 to 8 hours of sleep is considered ideal, the quality of rest is more important7

Why is rest analysis important?

The Mate App provides an in-depth analysis of your rest including duration, efficiency, and fragmentation.

A good night’s sleep plays a crucial role in a person’s overall health, even more so with epilepsy. Literature shows that the quantity and quality of rest may have an impact on seizures in various ways4When a person sleeps, the brain’s electrical and hormonal activity changes, meaning seizures can be more likely to happen while falling asleep or when one is about to wake up5, 6Though 7 to 8 hours of sleep is considered ideal, the quality of rest is more important7

Learn more

Find out why Embrace users love the Mate App

Embrace User

"Allows me to compare seizures to my medication schedule  and find out if delays or skipping "

Embrace User

"It’s brilliant, made my recent appointment with a new neurologist  so much easier to prepare for. "

Mate and Embrace for researchers

Embrace for Researchers

For more information on using Empatica devices for your clinical research, read about Mate and the Research Portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Mate App do?

The Mate App works with Alert to visualize Embrace data, enabling you to view your day at a glance. The Mate App will automatically collect reviewed seizure data from Alert and, together with the physical activity and rest data, provide you with an accurate, easy-to-view diary. You can bring Mate along with you to doctor visits or share your data via email.

Who is the Mate App for?

Mate is for anyone who owns an Embrace2 and is actively using the Alert App with an active subscription plan.

Mate works together with Alert. Install both Apps on your phone. Check your smartphone compatibility.

Alert App requires both Bluetooth® and either an Internet or cellular data connection in order to deliver notifications.

We do not guarantee that Embrace and the Alert App will detect every single seizure and deliver alerts accordingly. They are not meant to substitute your current seizure monitoring practices, but rather to serve as a supplement in expediting first-response time. The app is not intended to make any diagnostic or treatment recommendations based on sleep or activity tracking, but instead, it can give you insights on your overall rest and physical activity.

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