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EmbracePlus and Care App Image


Using wearables for rare disease monitoring and research

Delve into an engaging discussion between Empatica and Takeda on wearables in research, their evolution and applications in various clinical fields, and early insights from a groundbreaking study using Empatica’s EmbracePlus.

Access the on-demand webinar

Dr. Rosalind Picard


Unlock the future of real-world research

Dive into Empatica’s technology and discover its potential for your research studies via our product exploration webinar. Featuring renowned Scientist and health-tech pioneer, Dr. Rosalind Picard.

Access the on-demand webinar

E4 Ebook


E4 case studies

Discover some of the amazing ways in which our legacy device, the E4, enabled researchers to collect physiological data in real-life settings, and be inspired by how your research can unveil new findings on human behavior.

Download ebook

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Product materials

EmbracePlus One Pager


Digital Biomarkers List Material


Digital biomarkers full list

Data Sample Material


Empatica Health Monitoring Platform data sample